Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Applied photography - Illumination

Illumination in photography - Transmitted light coming through the subject bright field light going directly through the glass or light directly behind the subject.

Transmitted dark field - light through if perfect e.g. mirrors you would see nothing anything on it would change direction of the glass.

On top incident bright field light from right light source onto the subject.

Ring flash from class to the camera.

Axel illumination bouncing light of it, flat lighting straight from object into the lenses, the piece of glass goes through as well as down.

Indecent dark field - light goes from angle to surface.

These are some examples from when experimented with illumination using just everyday objects like plastic kife's and forks also plastic goggles , putting the yellow and blue plastic other you can see the effect and illumination it has and makes for some interesting pictures.

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